Friday, April 15, 2022

Happy Easter-Ramadan-Passover 2022

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly
Muslims' have an Islamic holy season: Ramadan and its benefits (IslamiCity)

Why you should celebrate Passover — even if you’re not a Jew (Los Angeles Times)
A Passover seder: The History of Haggadah Art (The Jerusalem Post)

The Messiah and the Maitreya = spiritual friend
Ramadan is a holy period in Islam that Muslims observe. Passover is [another] time the Jews escaped the wrath of their God after some more Shalom Auslander-style punishment, but some bloodstained houses got "passed over." Then there's sexy Eostre, a pagan revelry in honor of the Fertility Goddess, which was appropriated by the Imperial Roman Christians and tamed into the Bunny-and-Egg Party we know as "Easter." Mazel tovAs-Salaamu Alaykum. And Amen.

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