Sunday, April 24, 2022

Kaitlyn Butts: Best music April 15, '22

Coachella, Weekend 2, is going on in a cool spell with no one paying too much attention. Pink Floyd is back. But let's go back a week. After last week's blockbuster slate of album releases, things slow down a bit on April 15. 

Terrific sleepers still shine through, starting with rising country singer Kaitlin Butts and thematically ambitious cross-genre polymath Samora Pinderhughes. Mal Blum returns with songs about travel and isolation, Jerry Paper finds freedom in shaking one's body, and an archival recording captures Dave Brubeck as his quartet is unexpectedly reduced to a trio on short notice.

On this week's New Music Friday, contributors Cyrena Touros and Keanna Faircloth join Radio Milwaukee's Tarik Moody and guest host Stephen Thompson. Featured Albums: Kaitlin Butts — what else can she do. Featured Song: "it won't always be this way." Samora Pinderhughes — GRIEF Featured Song: "Masculinity"... More

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