Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day 2022: LA Workers Rise Up (video)

L. RobertsOnusPfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., S. Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
AUDIO: May Day 1971 (How US protests began for peace and social justice)

(Onus News Service) May Day 2022 protest, demonstration, rally, and march takes over the streets of Los Angeles on a sunny spring day. Police are spying and have infiltrated the event, watching it with constant surveillance cameras, distant drones, helicopters, and secret methods that include cell phone monitoring and agent provocateurs.

This is a vivid account of the largest act of civil disobedience in US history, in Pres. Dick Nixon’s DC:

They surged into Washington by the tens of thousands in the spring of 1971 -- fiery radicals, flower children (hippies), and militant vets (lied to and cheated by their government).

International Workers' Day (Wiki)
They gathered for the most audacious act in a years-long movement to end America’s War in Vietnam: a blockade of the nation’s capital.

The White House, headed by an increasingly paranoid President "Tricky Dick" Nixon, was determined to stop it.

Washington journalist Lawrence Roberts, drawing on dozens of interviews, unexplored archives, and newfound White House transcripts, re-creates these largely forgotten events through the eyes of dueling characters.

Woven into the story, too, are now-familiar names including John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who successfully leaked of the "Pentagon Papers."
It began with a bombing inside the US Capitol -- a still-unsolved case to which Roberts brings new information.

To prevent the Mayday Tribe’s guerrilla-style traffic blockade, the government mustered its brutal military forces (trained to kill in Vietnam) and turned them on its civilian population:

Riot squads swept through the city, arresting more than 12,000 people. As a young female public defender led a thrilling legal battle to free the detainees, Pres. Dick and his men took their first steps down the road to the Watergate scandal and the implosion of the presidency.

Sexy Europeans and Anglo-immigrants remember the May Pole on sexy May Day

Mayday 1971 is the ultimately inspiring story of a season when our American democracy faced grave danger and survived due to our obligation to dissent and civil disobedience. More + AUDIO
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