Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Peace Class w/ Mandy Kahn (Wednesdays)

Mandy Kahn (prs.org); Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation) (eds,), Wisdom Quarterly

Peace Class from Mandy Kahn (and previous talks like "Loving Boundaries," 4/13/22) Wednesdays at PRS:

Peace Class begins at 6::00 pm Pacific Time. Find the link to join Zoom meeting at prs.org. All are welcome to attend, so feel free to share this link with friends.

The text the peace talk "Loving Boundaries," which includes a section on how to bring the spirit of peace into our penal system, is available.
This talk has been a long time in the works, and I’m grateful to be able to share it. Two more things. If anyone would like a free peace talk to be delivered to a group or organization via Zoom, get in touch. And we are seeking an organization or group that would like to present Peace Class at a time that is convenient for those in other regions of the world. 

If interested in learning more about the possibility of presenting Peace Class abroad, please get in touch. - Instructor and Writer-in-Residence Mandy Kahn, Philosophical Research Society, Peace Class.

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