Monday, April 25, 2022

Were Armenian deaths a "genocide"? (video)

The Armenian "Genocide"?
(Glink, 2/7/17/Disturban History, 8/14/21) The Armenian Genocide of 1915 was the culmination of years of oppression against the Armenian people by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. Hundreds of thousands were said to be slaughtered by the most horrific of methods.

(PBS) Attempt to debate issue and present facts over kneejerk emotions
  • Wisdom Quarterly refers to it as a "genocide" because the Armenian-American band System of a Down calls it that. Where is the Turkish version of the story, Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur (aka "TYT or The Young Turks")? Who defends the war or war crimes the Turks committed?
Map of alleged Armenian "genocide"
This video explores the causes of the massacres and how so many were murdered. The Turks are ignored and instead only the tales of victims and alleged witnesses are heard. The hope is to shed light on mass killing that may amount to a genocide and encourage viewers to look into the horrors of war further. Here are some curated sources:
The Ottoman Empire (but not Turkey?) did something very shameful and horrible
(PBS NewsHour, 4/25/15) Why doesn’t Turkey use the word "genocide" for Armenia? The Turkish government has rejected the term “genocide” to describe the mass killing of Armenians 100 years ago, a stance that has sparked criticism and protest. For two perspectives on the history and meaning today, Jeffrey Brown talks to Soner Cagaptay of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Prof. Hrach Gregorian of American University. Full transcript:

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