Thursday, May 26, 2022

NOW is the time (Dr. Hedley)

Gil Hedley, Integral Anatomy, May 15, 2022, 3:44 PM; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Now is the time. If you have unfinished business, I bet it's kind of "in your face." The things that you have managed to keep stuffed in the background of your mental and physical closets literally don't fit there anymore and they are spilling out into the light.

And you feel uncomfortable, and disturbed, by these pressing phenomena.

Welcome to planet Earth, 2022, a time when hiding from ourselves seems to have become genuinely impossible.

There's power in the NOW, not anywhere else.
Strategy: take care of the unfinished business, no matter how noxious or painful, no matter how terrifying. You will delight in the feeling of relief and accomplishment that comes when you clear these matters, and the pain of them has definitively passed. You need that energy freed for the next step. Go for it!

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