Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Southern Fried Stonehenge: GA Guidestones

Rocks [The Georgia Guidestones]: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (web exclusive)
(Last Week Tonight, May 29, 2022) John Oliver discusses desperate Republican candidate Kandiss Taylor, a prominent loser in the race for governor of Georgia, a swampy state in the beautiful South, and fierce anti-rock activist.
Connect with Last Week Tonight online...on YouTube for more almost news as it almost happens, on Facebook like your mom would, on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news, or on the official website for all that other stuff at once.

(The Problem With John Stewart) The Problem With White People 

Jon Stewart (who's still alive and on TV somewhere) dissects why it’s been so easy to ignore the racism, oppression, and inequality that exists in the United States. White people keep saying they’re ready to listen…but Black people have never stopped speaking out against the reality of systemic racism in North America.

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