Thursday, May 19, 2022

How to save the pelicans on SoCal beaches

Russ Curtis (Bird Rescue, 5/19/22); L is for LoveAnanda, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Three of the 50+ brown pelicans filling LA Wildlife Center (Ariana Gastelum/Int'l Bird Rescue)
Bird Rescue responds to major brown pelican crisis in Southern California
Something is causing brown pelicans harm in Southern California. International Bird Rescue’s Los Angeles Wildlife Center is being inundated with many of these seabirds.

More than 101 new pelican patients have arrived for care since May 12th, with more pelicans expected this week. Many of them are injured, and all of them are in need of Bird Rescue’s specialized rehabilitation skills.

Several in the latest group came in with multiple fish hooks on each bird, but some have been hit by cars or have fractures for unknown reasons. A few are just cold and starving.

Birds in a changing world face new challenges, which take time to research and understand. In this case, Bird Rescue suspects that part of the problem is a lack of available fish stocks leading to birds failing to find enough to eat or taking extra risks when foraging for food.

Intake exam of one of the 100+ brown pelicans in care on Los Angeles and nearby beaches.
That combined with a new crop of young pelicans having to learn to feed themselves may explain the current influx.

“We’re seeing a mix of fledglings, second-year birds, and mature adults, which makes me think it could be a food supply issue rather than a simple influx of starving fledglings,” said Dr. Rebecca Duerr, Bird Rescue’s director of research and veterinary science.

Brown pelicans were added to the endangered species list in 1970 due to exposure to DDT (rat poison) and then removed in 2009. In 2010 and 2012, there were similar inundations of brown pelican patients at Bird Rescue’s wildlife centers.

The influx lasted for months as hundreds of pelicans needed care. “Rescue efforts like in 2010 and 2012 and the one we’re undertaking now help keep pelicans off the endangered species list,” said Bird Rescue CEO JD Bergeron.

“Thanks to our banding program, we recently spotted a former patient feeding its young four years after its release in the wild,” added Bergeron. “This proves that the hard work to save one bird at a time can affect future populations.” More (Int'l Bird Rescue)
  • See brown pelican success story HERE
  • Bird Rescue reminds the fishing public not to cast lines into groups of feeding birds to avoid snaring them.
  • Keep an eye out for pelicans landing in unusual locations like along Pacific Coast Highway
  • Find one in need of care, contact Int'l Bird Rescue’s Bird HelpLine: (310) 514-2573
  • After hours, contact local animal control – in Los Angeles County, many beach cities have officers who will capture pelicans and deliver them to Bird Rescue in San Pedro
  • So will Marine Animal Rescue and beach lifeguards.
  • For pelicans found in Malibu, call California Wildlife Center at (310) 458-WILD (9453).
  • Brown pelicans are expensive birds to care for, and Bird Rescue depends on the public – so to donate for food and medical supplies, see
  • BBC Earth | Home
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