Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Astrology: Each sign hides a monster (video)

The Finest, July 5, 2020; That Dog; Crystal Q., Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Each zodiac sign reveals a monster hiding inside each of us. What's yours?
(The Finest) Everyone has a zodiac sign that represents who they are.

The 13th sign, the Serpent Bearer
Within the imaginary belt of the heavens, there are 12 [actually 13 with Ophiuchus] constellations and 12 signs of the zodiac. Did you know that our astrological sign could be hiding a monster within? From the raging bull of Taurus to the viciousness and loyalty of Leo, here are 12 zodiac signs that reveal a monster hiding inside each of us. What’s yours?

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