Friday, June 17, 2022

Dick Hoagland swears aliens on Mars

Dick Hoagland, Coast to Coast, 6/16/22; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The doorway on Mars is not a doorway, so don't believe your lying eyes. It's a, mmm, think of something. A geological feature, yeah, that's it, a feature, ya see? It's a natural formation. It just looks like a doorway. The 'doorway' seen on Mars is not for aliens. Here's how it really formed (Live Science).

No amount of evidence will ever be enough for some people, but when the powers-that-be say there is life there, that'll magically be enough, showing evidence or not. Richard Hoagland of The Enterprise Mission can't wait for that day, so he's spilling the beans with evidence now. Maybe this will get NASA to tell the truth. The Other Side of Midnight – Can you handle the TRUTH?

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