Thursday, June 9, 2022

Inca: coke, drugs to stay calm before sacrifice

The Jerusalem Post/MSN, 6/8/22; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, A. Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Peruvian Inca site
Peruvian Inca site in the high altitude and thin air of the Andes Mountains (©
Inca children were drugged with cocaine to keep them calm before being sacrificed: study
Where to see Incan mummies
A far more accurate, though less sensational title might read, "Inca enjoyed calming entheogenic plant medicines and traditional high-altitude remedy of coca leaves prior to sacrifice, study finds."

Inca children who were thought to be selected to be ritually sacrificed were drugged so that they remained calm before their death [because of cocaine's well-known calming effects], a new study of ancient hair and fingernail samples has confirmed.

The research details analysis of toxicological samples from two Incan children around age 6 who had been killed/sacrificed on Peru's Ampato volcano, allegedly a common practice in ancient Incan society to celebrate major events such as the birth of a royal, or a win in war, called capacocha, the sacrifice was conducted by a priestly caste.
Capacocha: Llullaillaco sacrificial mummy in Salta City, Argentina (Wikipedia)
A view shows a tomb at an excavation site where archeologists work to recover the remains of 14 pre-Incan mummies, six children and eight adults which are nearly 1000 years old, at the archeological complex in Cajamarquilla, Peru February 13, 2022 (credit: REUTERS/STRINGER)
A view shows a tomb at an excavation site where archeologists work to recover the remains of 14 pre-Incan mummies, six children and eight adults, which are nearly 1,000 years old, at the archeological complex in Cajamarquilla, Peru, Feb. 13, 2022 (Reuters/Stringer © provided by The Jerusalem Post).
It was also a means of controlling the population. The study was performed by international teams of scientists from Poland, the USA, and Peru and published this month in Journal of Archaeological Science.
  • (Karen I. Rony) When WE sacrifice 'euthanize' our loved ones who got sick or old to save the medical and insurance industries money, WE use strong synthetic chemical narcotics to numb them out and make everyone feel our one true God wants. But these savages THEY made THEIR kids snort cocaine on a mountain before kicking THEM into volcanos in stupid worship of THEIR false and fake gods. Good thing WE finally civilized THEM by conquering THEM, taking the land, and made all these plants illegal!! And why do they say the Americas? There's only one America, USA, USA, USA!
  • (We know some readers may be suffering from an irony deficiency, but we constructed this comment to summarize the actual mess of opinions below.*)
Victims intoxicated with chemicals Participants' minds blown and made more accepting with plants
Archaeologists looked for the presence of plant medicines and intoxicants like cocaine (coca leaves) in addition to numerous entheogens like mescaline, tryptamine (DMT), harmaline, and harmine, which have psychedelic properties.

They found that in the final days and weeks of the victims' lives [who may not have viewed themselves as "victims" at all but as vital spiritual actors or religious celebrants], they chewed on coca leaves and were awakened by the "spirit molecule" (DMT) in ayahuasca, a potion made of a combination of jungle plants, including the South American flowering vine yage (Banisteriopsis caapi).

How psilocybin can rapidly improve depression
Researchers suspect the Inca priests may have consciously used the antidepressant properties of yage to combat their victims' anxiety or depression.

They noted that the children were most likely aware of what was happening. They added that the calming plant medicines appeared to have been effective. Source: The Jerusalem Post (
  • (Rafael Fernandez) Worshiping those 'Gods' that were just another of satan's guises!
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  • (Jim Piver) Yeah, nothing more calming than a couple rails of cocaine.
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  • (Ronald Jolly) libs paint those who colonized as evil, they forget many natives ate people, practiced slavery amongst other things ,,never mind enjoyed nights of burning, looting and killing. One war alone killed 25 percent of all colonist and many killed were families, families were the targets
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  • (KEN KLIBBE) Imagine a world where you failed so badly at life that your job is to be on the committee of reading all the scary things people say and then blocking them.
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  • (Whiple Brett) There was a certain brutal justice that occured when the conquistadors‘s ships dropped anchor there for the first time-
  • See 1 more reply
  • That is sad, Man has all these tech advances but the brain has not advanced we are still predators
  • (Vincent L.) i never saw someone calm while on cocaine!
  • (william Feierstein) How heartwarming!
  • (Victor Estrada) Did the headline mean to say coca leaves? Cocaine wasn't isolated until 1855, thus the headline is a bit misleading.
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  • (CJA2 99) So the Incas were republican?
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  • (Dude Really) And early civilizations that pre-date any of the Abrahamic religions in what is today the Eastern Mediterranean commonly sacrificed folks without any such anesthesia. So, who was the savage?
  • (cali22282 ..............) I think the Mayans did that as well. Sadly the practice of sacrifice still continues but only by elites - the special class.
  • See 1 more reply
  • (R B) cocaine to keep them calm??? who wrote this article? Obviously oblivious to the effects of cocaine. it made them more scared of dying Im sure. More

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