Saturday, June 25, 2022

Reconnect: The Movie (psychedelic salvation)

Brian Rose, 5/16/21; Pat Macpherson, Ananda (DBM), Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

RECONNECT: THE MOVIE ft. Dennis McKenna, Jordan Peterson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Gabor Mate, Graham Hancock, Michael Pollan, more
(London Real) Back in 2012 I [Brian Rose] had my very first ayahuasca ceremony and, needless to say, I was terrified. But it ended up entirely changing my life and that of my future family.

Ayahuasca brew of three jungle plant medicines
This is why I decided to revisit the medicine in 2018, participating in three ayahuasca ceremonies over the course of one week in Costa Rica, to document the process.

In the film, we tackle my personal story of trying to build London Real into a global media and transformation company while also struggling with my own disconnection from friends, family, and my own species.

We also dive deep into the division and tribalism currently facing all of us around the world.

Exclusive clips from this Live Q&A as well as previously unseen footage from the making of the movie are now available to download, share, and repost.
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