Saturday, June 25, 2022

Scientists discover what was before Big Bang

The Void did it? "Form is emptiness, and the very emptiness is form. Form does not differ from emptiness, and emptiness does not differ from form. Whatever is form, that is emptiness. Whatever is emptiness, that is form..." (Mahayana Buddhism's Heart Sutra). What have these scientists been reading, Buddhist and Hindu literature?

Scientists discover what existed before the Big Bang
(Destiny, June 18, 2022) Modern science explains the origin of the universe with the Big Bang theory. It says our world arose from the explosion of singularity or a point in space-time where energy, density, and mass go to infinity and any dimension goes to zero. It’s a point where there’s no space, time, or matter. So where did this singularity come from, what preceded it, and what triggered the countdown to the Big Bang?

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