Saturday, June 11, 2022

Urban Guerrilla Gardeners (Inside Edition)

Inside Edition (, 6/9/22); Kelly Ani, Ananda (DMB), Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

What do flowers have to teach us about being?
Want to be an urban guerrilla gardener? Spread flowers and food for insects and an ecological environment in spite of the city, the asphalt, and the traffic. Everyone will love it.

How to make botanical "luv balms." Take some typical clay mud. Add water. Form mud balls. Poke finger in, making a hollow. Add a few native wildflower seeds (milkweed, golden poppy, irises, roses, maybe some hemp, everything native and beautiful).

Bhumi-devas love a natural world.
Get them free or inexpensively from local native plant nursery. Plug up hole with a dab of mud or pinching the ball. Allow to dry. Now walk around to empty fields, boring sidewalks, and vacant lots. It's amazing what a lightly lobbed luv balm can do when it rains or when it finds the right meteorological conditions to sprout and bloom.

Summer, when our fancy turns to Rumspringa
"If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. If you're goin' to San Francisco, you're gonna meet a lotta people there," as Robert Plant adlibbed when he couldn't remember the words to "Dazed and Confused" at NYC's Madison Square Garden during the recording of The Song Remains the Same.

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