Saturday, June 25, 2022

Walking for Peace in India: Buddhist Circuit

The Light of Buddhadharma Foundation (LBDFI) has a four-part strategy to fulfill its mission to develop the Buddhadharma (Teachings of the Buddha) in India.
Its first goal has been the support of international chanting ceremonies within the motherland of the Dharma, bringing the International Sangha [Community] back to India and creating meritorious circumstances for the Dharma to flourish.

Its second goal has been to work on the pilgrimage [walking tour] circuit, beautifying the ancient places of pilgrimage and encouraging pilgrims to spend more time in these wonderful places.

Its third goal has been to create training programs for Indian monks, so a fully trained Indian Sangha can blossom again.

Its fourth goal has been to print Dharma materials and encourage conferences and education for the Indian public... Read report

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