Wednesday, June 1, 2022

What is "Engaged Buddhism"?

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
Engaged Buddhists
The "face of the Resistance"? Ha.
 are on a spiritual path and engaged in the world -- concerned about political issues, social justice, and cultural matters.

We question, we investigate, we resist, we protest, we demonstrate, we speak up, speak out, speak truth to power, and blow the whistle.

The highest goal of active Buddhists may be to realize the Truth in this lifetime, but that does not exclude the many truths about
  • what rules our lives,
  • guides and misleads our thinking,
  • brings ruin upon humanity through such things as
    • racism,
    • sexism,
    • militarism,
    • imperialism,
    • hypocrisy,
    • iatrogenic medical practice (fueled by Big Pharma) and cowardice (by individual doctors afraid of losing their licenses or status or income streams),
  • the ruin of the environment and climate by the military-industrial complex (the unholy union of corporations and the Pentagon),
  • and so on.
Engaged Buddhism need not be partisan. It obviously is, because one party is worse than the other, but not by much.
For it seems the parties are actually just two arms or wings of the exact same party, the Money Party, paid off by Big Business and manipulated by the CIA and similar agencies.

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