Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Yogi Gurudev on SEX (video)

Balance -- not strength, stamina, or flexibility -- is by far the toughest thing in yoga.

Why should we conserve our sexual energy? | Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, premiered March 26, 2022) Why did ancient yogis, wandering ascetics, monks, and intensive meditators give up sex and take on vows of celibacy and brahmacharya?

Is sex detrimental to spiritual growth? Are there any special powers that get unlocked by abstaining from sex? The no-fap (abstaining from masturbation) movement has become big in recent times even among non-spiritual people.

But if the urge for sex should come, what to do? Breathe (pranayama).

Humans (along with eating) have been having sex since always. So what is the basis for humans trying to move to a practice of semen or essence retention?

Is sex a problem, or is an obsession with it unhealthy? Does it make us weak, stressed, angry, frustrated, anxious, or sad whatever immediate pleasure it gives (which if it did not we would not do it)?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in this commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, shares some incredible knowledge on sexual energy (shakti) and how conserving it could unlock doors to limitless happiness and aid us in our path to enlightenment.
  • 0:00 - Is obsession of sex healthy?
  • 1:26 - The concept of kama-agni or "fire of passion"
  • 3:43 - The role of celibacy for growth
  • 5:32 - How is brahmacharya or renunciation different from celibacy?
  • 7:07 - What is the importance of brahmacharya for spiritual growth?
  • 8:19 - Is sanyasa or monasticism a prerequisite for enlightenment?
ABOUT: #Gurudev is a world-renowned humanitarian, spiritual leader, and ambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has inspired millions around the world with a vision of a stress-free and violence-free world. Gurudev founded The Art of Living, a non-profit organization that is engaged in stress-management and service initiatives across the world.

Learn Sudarshan Kriya the world's most powerful breathing technique: Gurudev's YouTube channel:

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