Thursday, July 14, 2022

If someone breaks your heart: Sad Guru

If someone broke your heart: Watch this by Sadhguru
(TGS, July 29, 2021) Sad(h)guru: You’re divorcing your spouse, which is bad enough. Do not divorce yourself from yourself. You need to understand this. What you call as 'myself' right now is a huge volume of memory. Your body is a way [and that] is simply because of the genetic memory that it carries. You have your mother’s nose, your father’s complexion, and something else, your grandfather’s something else, simply because what you call as your body is a complex amalgamation of memory. A very ancient memory lives in your body. What you call as 'my mind' is 100% memory right now. So you are a huge heap of memory in many ways, and memory goes into you in different ways. Through all the five senses, you gather memory what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you taste, what you touch...." #Sadhguru #breakup #relationship

00:00: Why breaking up is so painful (edited with aftereffects, subtitles, clips, and chromakey)
07:48: End screen created by me in after effect all the graphics used in this video is created by me in Filmora X & after effects with the help of various effects and clips. I've transformed the original work by adding my own unique value such as changing the video background chroma key, adding high-quality edits, special effects, my storyline and my commentary to create completely new, original video.

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