Friday, July 22, 2022

Leigh Brasington's deep dive into Dharma, Pt. 1

Leigh Brasington Deep Dive into Buddhist Meditation | Part 1 
(Escaping Samsara, Jan. 29, 2021) Leigh Brasington has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1985. He is the senior American student of the late German Buddhist nun Ven. Ayya Khema.

He began teaching retreats in Europe and North America in 1997 and is the author of the book Right Concentration – A Practical Guide to the Jhanas. This is first part of our in-depth exploration of different aspects of Buddhist teachings that Brasington generously took time and energy for.

★ SHOW NOTES - The falling of the veil, spiritual hedonism, and world trip - The story of Theravada nun Ayya Khema - Ways to look at pratītya-samutpāda – "dependent origination" - Five Aggregates (skandhas), Eckhart Tolle and taking a nap - Emptiness or Śūnyatā, inherent existence and the deathless unconditioned state - our own personal immortality project - Leigh's process of studying the sutras - What are jhanas or the stages of indestructible mind - Morality, concentration, wisdom - Jhanas as a spectrum of concentration states - As you go deeper the space of observer gets smaller - Don’t get fooled by your concepts - Leigh’s and Nathan’s take on the spiritual world of today - How Buddhism translates into Western culture - To discover more of Leigh Brasington's teaching and get his book on Jhana visit: 
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★ ABOUT ESCAPING SAMSARA PODCAST: Escaping Saṃsāra - Yoga and Meditation Podcast about practices that liberate us. Interviews with spiritual teachers from the yoga world and beyond. We are a group of friends dedicated to exploring the deep teachings of yoga and other spiritual traditions to see what unites them in their search for Truth and how each practitioner has danced with the Mystery. We want to learn from today’s elders about their paths and experiences. What has worked, what hasn’t, and what is downright weird. From California psychedelic culture to Tantric Tibet we span the globe finding out what has helped people on their spiritual journey. We hope that it will be of benefit to our fellow truth seekers. OM

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