Sunday, July 3, 2022

TJDS: Ugandan gold means a US war, Ukraine's collapsed, Hillary Supporter is back (video)

Mike MacRae, K. Metzger, Jimmy Dore; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly

Uncle Sam and Cia rule the world
Uganda, a poor country on the continent of Africa, discovers $12 trillion USD in gold deposits, which will force the USA/CIA to "bring democracy" to this "backward" land now that it's rich, much as "black gold" found underground forces the Pentagon to "help" nations in the Middle East to advance the cause of women and children, human rights, education and hygiene, and any other excuse it can think of to garner support from the US public to believe the US Empire is interested in the welfare of the poorest places in the world that do not become noticeable until they light up on a military-industrial complex (US business-military alliance) map, who then must get in and cut themselves a big piece of the capitalist cake, the profits to be had from invading and occupying parts of the world we have no legitimate business in other than business. The US is in the business of business, and we will use our military to enforce that whenever we wish.
  • Ukraine collapses under weight of Russia and USA's "help":
Democrats and Republicans will stand for a Third Party. On this they're united.

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