Friday, August 19, 2022

Can I manifest from EGO? (Eckhart Tolle)

(Eckhart Tolle) Aug. 18, 2022 - Eckhart Tolle explains that it is indeed possible to manifest while engaging in egoic thinking, but the material results of these achievements will disappoint; they will not bring about long-term satisfaction to our lives.

Truly enduring manifestation in the realm of form arises from Presence [mindfulness of the present moment].

With all this said, Eckhart Tolle also emphasizes that understanding how material achievement is [by its integral nature] unfulfilling is a major step toward realizing Presence. “One of the most useful things in life is mistakes,” states Eckhart.

“Make as many as possible, and then you will learn what your path is.” [In other words, as Alan Watts frequently quotes, "The fool who persists in his folly will become wise." That is to say, one will learn from one's folly after a while. We may have to repeat it a million times, but we'll learn.]

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