Tuesday, August 16, 2022

How I became enlightened: my awakening 🙄

✨Demystifying Reality✨ (@demystifyingreality) TikTok | ✨'s Newest TikTok Videos

I may still be full of ego, as my profile pic shows
(Demystifying Reality, August 7, 2022) TORONTO, Canada - This is my spiritual awakening story. I like [YouTube salesman] Aaron Doughty. Well, it all started when I saw The Secret. I'm the only one who saw it. Well, I'm not, but I felt like I was. So I started to "manifest" stuff I wanted. And I got it. Not exactly the stuff I wanted, but close enough.

Demystifying Reality (@demystifyingreality) TikTok
Like, I wanted this one exact car. Then a long time later my parents gave me their old car. Close enough. It's a car. Then I liked this guy, and I dated another guy. It's a guy. Close enough. Then, like I wanted a bunch of hits on my social media and stuff, and here you are watching my video as I explain reality. I totally know how to manifest shit. Then, like, I also want... Earth is like a school, you know? We're here to learn stuff. Mmm, like, I'm learning. Now I'm embarrassed because I made this dumb video, and people are telling me I have more than 11 views now, so I'm going to take it down and watch more of Aaron's videos to see how he handles fame...*

[What does an airhead think about? What thoughts run through her mind as she babbles and tells of the most significant thing that's ever happened to her in life? Manifestation my butt. "Well, it wasn't exactly like that one, but it counts anyway!" OM🕉, do people like this really exist, is she kidding, is this all a joke, is she still talking?]

Video Chapters:
  • Intro: 0:00
  • Backstory: 0:36
  • The surface part (my first manifestations): 1:33
  • The deep part (realization of the soul): 14:20
  • The dark part (what we don't know...): 18:50
  • The light part (earth school): 23:46
  • Outro: 24:44
Graphics in thumbnail: PNG Tree (https://pngtree.com)

*Celebrity voice impersonated/mocked from what we remember her saying because Demystifying Reality mystified us by suddenly yanking all her YouTube content just when readers became interested in watching her trainwreck of an assertion that she's awakened. Wow. Some people. She'll be back. Catch her on TikTok. She'll be all right by the maxim, "A fool who persists in her folly will be saved by her folly" as she's now starting to realize. We're not being mean for mean's sake.

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