Monday, August 15, 2022

Spiritual manifesting w/ Jeffrey Allen (video)

Jeffrey Allen teaches body awareness as yoga in Mikonos, Greece (Mindvalley).
I don't know what I'm doing (
What will one learn? We’ll learn to use energy to transform any aspect of our life. Learn the importance of living, not just in the physical world but also in the spiritual world. Learn to function in duality to transform every aspect of this life. Get guided through FOUR powerful energy tools, FOUR of Jeffrey Allen’s most effective energy healing techniques… That’ll help attract more abundance, more love, more good health, and more happiness to this life. (Apply them in any aspect of life and see instant results). Learn how to get answers from intuition. Learn an incredibly simple “intuition exercise” to use to get answers to any question. — Even beginners can use this simple technique to feel “more trusted and confirmed” and…enjoy a more perfect connection to source. Learn how to clear the #1 energy block in just 7 minutes. This simple 7-minute energy technique is an excellent way to experience the power of Energy. It will clear our #1 block and we’ll feel different right away. (Watch out for amazing synchronicities right after doing this). Uncover the next best step in life. Pick any aspect of life that feels stuck right now — business, love, career, health, spirituality, or even parenting. And sit back to watch Jeffrey Allen uncover the next best step through a unique Energy technique, and much More
Founder of Mindvalley Vishen
: Vishen is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He’s the author of the NY Times bestselling book The Buddha & the Badass and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of human development. He and his team of 250 education innovators at Mindvalley have created many of the world’s foremost money-making brands, apps, tools, and events in the field of human development including Mindvalley University, Omvana, A-Fest, Soulvana, and more. As a host, Vishen uses his experience in learning design to draw out the best ideas and wisdom from each trainer.

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