Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Vegan muscle men: The Game Changers (doc)

Vegan muscle building for a super fit body -- is it possible? (Human Kinetics)

The Game Changers | official trailer
(The Game Changers) Powerful Roman gladiators were vegetarians. A UFC fighter learns everything he'd been taught about protein was a lie. The Game Changers is a must-see for vegans and vegetarians. For more news, follow on: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. #TheGameChangers #ChangeYourGame

Getting strong and in shape at the gym? Try equinox.com (promotion)
Vegans have muscle?
I prefer steroids and dead steaks. Hell yeah!
People become vegan (animal-free) for many reasons, some ethical, some purely health-driven (weight loss, reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, etc.)

Yikes! I'd rather go with nature and stay healthy.
For many people, veganism and muscle building may seem difficult to reconcile at first. Ask any vegan what the most common question they get asked is, they’ll reply: “Where do you get your protein?”

It’s common knowledge that protein synthesis is vital to muscle growth. And for most people, protein is only associated with animal-derived products like dead animals, eggs, and dairy. This is due, in part, to successful campaigning by the meat and dairy industries.

The equation most people understand looks something like muscle = protein = meat. But this isn’t the case, as this article adapted from The New Power Eating and Sport Nutrition (3rd Ed.) explains. 

What is veganism?
Veganism can and has been defined in many ways, by vegans and non-vegans. But for our purposes in specific regard to muscle building, being vegan means not eating any animal products at all. Vegetarians don’t eat meat. Vegans don’t eat meat and also exclude dairy, eggs, and anything else derived from animals (honey, lard, fish, etc.) More

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