Saturday, August 13, 2022

Non-duality film: "Aloneness to Oneness"

Todd Perelmuter, 9/16/21; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Aloneness to Oneness: life-changing spiritual documentary film on non-duality
(Todd Perelmuter) Only five percent of the stuff in our universe is made up of normal matter, but that is where most of us put 100% of our focus and attention.

What sound does the universe make? Om
This creates an illusion of separateness where we believe we are alone and that when our material body dies, that's the end. We even call this stuff "matter" because we believe it is all that matters.

But the other 95 percent of stuff in our universe is made up of energies and a mysterious dark or unseen matter, which actually govern our universe, our bodies, our experiences, and our lives.

This non-material universe can also be called the spiritual universe. As we tap into this spiritual dimension, we start to see how all things are connected, we see relationships, we feel energies, we sense intuitions, and we discover the true nature of our minds.

Todd Perelmuter takes us on a personal spiritual journey from Aloneness to Oneness, where borders and barriers disappear and open hearts and open minds take hold. It takes us to a place where anger, greed, hatred, and fear cease to be, and only love, joy, peace, and gratitude remain.

Todd Perelmuter studied meditation and mindfulness from world-renowned teachers around the world for over 9 years. Upon his return to the United States, he created EastWesticism, a nonprofit dedicated to helping everyone reach their highest potential and lead a peaceful, calm, and stress-free life.
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