Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sedona Trip: Malibu Beach House Party (8/20)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Jen B., Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
PARTY VS. PARTY: What must people think? What kind of party is this, an integration or disintegration? Municipal Waste or chill hippie vibes? We'll see. Los Angeles is hard to predict. 🕉
Shakyamuni Indonesian wood statue overlooking Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park, Sedona

Spiritual travel is the best sort of tourism.
This Malibu Beach house party and integration at Ananda's is for everyone (minus one) coming back from our adventures in Sedona, Arizona, in July and August 2022.

We just closed out five weeks of visits to the magical Red Rock vortexes and helicopters over the Grand Canyon with shamans, healers, yoga teachers, and quantum crystal energy guides.

More than 40 members visited, enjoying:
  • Sugar Loaf Trailhead Airbnb
  • Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park
  • vegan meals and juices
  • Buddha Beach excursions
  • river explorations
  • Boynton gender equalizing
  • Lacuna Kava Bar dancing
  • Rave on the Rocks
  • ecstatic massages
  • Lana Del Rey soundtrack
  • crystal readings
  • healings at Ultimate Light Mission
all FREE for an exchange of unseen energies and karmic supports. And with one exception, it was beautiful and awesome. But even the exception served a purpose as a new healer was added to our tribe because each person's presence was vital. It was perfect!

"Life is but a dream" called Maya, an extraordinary "illusion" or simulation preparing us for a life bigger than most of us can imagine.

Our dreams send us messages: Life is possible because we dream. We daydream, imagine, and jump timelines as we ascend to upcycle through the dimensions.

Buddhist cosmology explains the layers and the means of breaking through to enlightenment (bodhi) and liberation (moksha = nirvana). The samsara simulation spins out. It was but a dream, and it's time to awaken.

Come enjoy ecstatic dance, breath work, yoga, pranayama, kava, CBD, kratom, and plant helpers. Lucid dream. Meet "the one." Be a unicorn. Meditate for zen (jhana, dhyana, chan). Heal with binaural beats and guided brainwave entrainments.

Row, row, row your boat gently down our stream. Catered vegan dinner and live brain boost juices served. Free to all our guests. RSVP FREE:

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