Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What if I could learn to dance? (video)

(Body Groove) What if there was a fitness program that everyone could do and experience incredible results? Thousands of 5 Star reviews ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Join over 742,883 women who love Body Groove. Here are seven reasons why people love Body Groove and why it'll work:

1. Start slowly. 2. It can't be done wrong. 3. It's not just exercise. 4. Confidence will soar! 5. Fresh new workouts every day. 6. It's so much fun. 7. The results are amazing each day.

Each day sees a new release, a new collection of dance routines, approximately 30 minutes long. These routines are hand-selected from a massive library of dances, and they give a complete dance workout, with warm-ups, strength training, flexibility improvements, cardio conditioning, and a unique method of cooling down that keeps the feel-good hormones flowing.

Since each Body Groove workout is designed to be doable but challenging for everybody, today’s workout of the day is perfect. Want to keep on grooving? There are hundreds of additional workouts at Body Groove On-Demand. Body Groove works because it's totally different, completely doable, and outrageously fun. More

If System of a Down (SOAD) were from India

WISDOM QUARTERLY: If we're dancing, we're already likely not meditating, so we might as well start singing, too. Meditation, while not limited to sitting, is about touching stillness (samadhi) and nobly silent. This is absorption (jhana, zen, dhyana). Then this purified mind can take up insight-practices (vipassana) for liberation of mind.

(Andre Antunes) What if System of a Down were from India? August 10, 2022. The Nooran Sisters plus SOAD and the Patakha Guddi remix is based on these SOAD songs: "I-E-A-I-A-I-O," "Revenga," "Chop Suey," and "B.Y.O.B."  Like it? Maybe buy me a coffee: buymeacoff.ee/andreantunes.

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