Sunday, October 2, 2022

Alan Watts: Karma, "Why Not Now?" (video)

This is Alan Watts on television (KQED), filmed in the San Francisco Bay Area back in the 1970s. In it he explains "the true meaning of karma" from the documentary Alan Watts: Why Not Now?
Why Not Now? (Alan Watts trailer)

(T&H - Inspiration & Motivation) This is an inspirational and profound speech from the late British Buddhist philosopher Alan Watts, a self-described "spiritual entertainer." The original audio was sourced from: “Alan Watts: 'Eco Zen' from Philosophies of Asia” produced and edited by T&H Inspiration. It is a documentary film on the life and works of Alan Watts, a two DVD set:

The great philosopher Alan Watts
Each film comes with The Essential Alan Watts, a bonus disc of video materials that did not fit into the film, and "The Animated Alan Watts." The 23-minute DVD includes extracts from the 1972 series "The Fine Art of Goofing Off" as well as a couple of animations produced by South Park creators and animators. The reel has been met with joyous laughter and standing ovations at film showings and is not to be missed.

Why Not Now follows the life of one of the most inspiring philosophers of our time, Alan Watts, as told though none other than Alan Watts himself from the wealth of material and lectures that were left behind after his passing.
Why Not Now was created by his son Mark Watts, who has given T&H (Tragedy and Hope) exclusive rights to create the trailer for the documentary. Visit the official site: Follow the Alan Watts Organization: Speech courtesy of,,, Speech licensed from

T&H Inspiration is on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have listeners pause, think, and reflect. Many videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that T&H produces with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University. T&H also films and releases original interviews with iconic people who have experienced successes while also persevering through life's highs and lows. T&H looks forward to sharing more of these perspectives and insights. Its hope with these videos is to push thinking. As Alan Watts said, “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.

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