Friday, September 30, 2022

Are we DREAMING right now? Yes. (audio)

Cheryll Jones (Coast to Coast, 9/29/22); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Investigative reporter Cheryll Jones
Investigative reporter Cheryll Jones interviewed doctoral researcher Karen Konkoly on new scientific studies that open the doorway to two-way communication between lucid dreamers (people who realize they're in a dream) and a waking person.

Sleep researchers at Paller Lab at Northwestern University watch brain signals of sleeping participants in the lab in hopes of refining communications so that complex conversations may one day be possible.

I know I'm dreaming, and life is dreaming.
Recent experiments were conducted with subjects in REM sleep, who were asked simple questions. In successful cases, subjects moved their eyes in a certain direction for the number of times that corresponded to the answer they wished to give. During the REM state, all but the eye and a few facial muscles are paralyzed.

Konkoly tells the reporter that their experiments corresponded with work being done at several other labs around the world. Paller Lab incorporates a "target memory activation" technique to induce lucid dreaming. Subjects listen to a 20-minute recording in which a specific sound becomes associated with the idea of becoming lucid. The sound is then played while subjects are asleep.

The researchers have been able to induce lucidity. This technology is available as an Android app used in combination with a Fitbit device. (An iPhone version will be released later). AUDIO

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