Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Biosphere breakdown: What's killing Earth?

Dr. Herndon, (Coast to Coast, 9/12/22); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(9/12/22) Guest geophysicist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D., discusses his work on the collapse of the Earth's biosphere -- how the planet's life support systems are purposely being broken down.

According to Dr. Herndon, this breakdown is the result of intentional human activities, including the manipulation of Earth's climate, otherwise known as "geoengineering" or persistent aerosol spraying (chemtrails).

"There is a global cabal that wants to take over the Earth," he declares, and he also believes the United Nations is involved in this sinister agenda.

The Day of Purification is at hand.
Toxic particles are sprayed into the upper atmosphere to prevent rainfall, which could be considered a kind of "warfare" that is poisoning people and the environment, he says.

Life on planet Earth is dying, with almost two-thirds of 4,000 species declining between 1970 and 2016 (view graphic), he reports.

Chemtrail spraying kills insects, birds, and bats, as well as contributes to neurodegenerative disease in humans, says Dr. Herndon.

Why would we care? Let them breathe cake.
Furthermore, toxic coal fly ash particles being put into the clouds cause global warming and reduce the amount of ozone in the stratosphere, which is needed to shield us from harmful ultraviolet light, he warns.

The mainstream science community is ignoring the problem, Dr. Herndon notes. He and his co-author Dr. Mark Whiteside recently published their paper "Collapse of Earth's Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason" (PDF download) in the journal Advances in Social Sciences Research. AUDIO

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