Thursday, September 22, 2022

Devil says: "Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll"

Demon: Elizabeth Hurley, Faust: Brendan Frasier (Bedazzled US remake); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Liz Hurley sparks frenzy as she smolders in plunging red devil jumpsuit (

"Do it, Fat Boy, do it!" - "Restraint, Peter."
I'm going bad, breaking bad, wild! I've had it with the good life and the burdens of being upright! I want to tear loose and have some fun, sickening fun -- fornication, intoxicants, and loud music with a thunderous beat. It's my right as an American. The CIA and FBI made it so, and that's what our boys died for over there on foreign shores. They were fighting for peace, and now I want a piece of what they were fighting for.

If I do it, this will be my karma (intentional action). And as a result, that action will ripen and come to fruition in very unpleasant ways, over and over again, exponentially. Now, if I restrain myself, that will be my action (my present choice, my deed), and it will ripen, here or in the future, over and over again, exponentially. Which do I choose? Craving for painkilling pleasure drives me to choose the former, but sense and having heard the Dharma of the Buddha (the Teachings of the Awakened One) drives me to choose the later. What to do, what to do?

Mara ("The Devil") has many disguises

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