Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Do I need a white mail order bride? (video)

Dating Beyond Borders, 2/25/16;; Mr. Editor., Wisdom Quarterly
Could we ever be happy and together in spite of Vladimir Zelinski? (

You know you're dating a Russian/Ukrainian woman when...
(Dating Beyond Borders) Download a FREE e-guide on dating women from around the world. "It is not a revenge drama. It is a comedy." What you need to know before dating that Russian woman. Dating Beyond Borders is a YouTube channel that focuses on highlighting the cultural differences that come into play while dating people from other countries. Facebook, InstagramTwitter:  Website:

This is what I was promised. What I got...
It started with a ridiculous YouTube ad, but the models used made it seem like every Slav (the origin of our word "slave") is a model and a willing love-slave to any American with a visa in her future, mother-in-law included. It's a scam. Sure, it could happen. Anything can happen. Monkey might fly out of my...mouth. That would be more entertaining. Pay all that money and get what for it? Nothing. No love, no McLovin, nada. Divorced the same day they arrive on my dime. "Thems is the breaks"? Nope. It's in the plan. Young Ukrainians, Russians, Slavic brides are looking for a meal ticket, a sucker, not a lover or domineering husband. And Americans have a target on their head. Are American women laughing? Anyone would be better shopping for a bride here or perhaps in Canada/Mexico, somewhere close by, where it's easy to meet and not as expensive as moving in new citizens.

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