Friday, September 30, 2022

How US Empire reports its WARS in US

Former NBC News reporter John Alpert (Cast Study QB), former head of CBS News Jeff Fager, Jimmy Dore and Kit Cabello (; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

There is practically a mainstream media blackout of U.S. war coverage. Except that would be too obvious. So we get bad coverage instead, Pentagon mouthpieces and PR-propaganda from a war-profiteering corporate media. Many people, many elites, make money from war, no matter how much it costs taxpayers, the U.S. military, or society. It's extremely profitable. And it will continue. Since we are in the Empire and these wars are fought in our name, shouldn't we know something about what's really going on and maybe even speak out for peace and international justice?

Pentagon’s "Bot Army" finally BANNED from Facebook and Twitter

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