Friday, September 23, 2022

Morality Patrol kills woman for immodesty

Ashley WellsSeth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly;
Protests erupt in support of young Iranian woman killed by morality police (LA Times)
Her hijab (enforced modesty head covering) was not worn correctly, so police killed her
    What happened to Mahsa Amini, 22, in police detention?
    You will respect religious authority!
    (IranWire) Anguish and outrage are rippling across Iran [and the unIslamic world] at news of the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was hospitalized in a coma two hours after being abducted off the streets of Tehran by the so-called “morality patrol.”

    The young woman from Saqqez was on holiday with her family when the van pulled up beside her and her brother Kiarash, shortly past 6:00 pm on Tuesday night. By all accounts she was in good health at the time.

    Let's put her in a coma first, brothers, for God (NYPost)
    Hours later, she was braindead. What happened between the moment Amini was pulled away from her brother and taken for “re-education” at a police station in Vozara Avenue, and when she was rushed from that place to Kasra Hospital, remains an unknown quantity.

    Below is what IranWire understands to have happened so far, based on information provided by multiple sources.

    Code Blue (Code 99)
    "Code Blue" is hospital talk. But pink is...
    “Code 99, tell Kasra.” This was the message related by a Tehran Emergency Services paramedic on the radio at 7:25 pm on Tuesday, September 13.

    [It sounds an awful like the customary American euphemism used in hospitals known as Code Blue.] “Code 99” is the code used by doctors and medical staff in Iran to indicate a patient is near death. More

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