Thursday, September 8, 2022

Sex after "awakening" with Anna (video)

SEX after spiritual awakening | Sex and spirituality
(World of Awakening) Feb. 26, 2021. Are sexuality and spirituality compatible? What happens to our sex life after awakening? Anna Sokol, the "awakened" instructor of Givin School dares to shake the status quo by sharing her own experiences. In a playful and open way, she draws a comic picture of the roles we play in bed and points to society’s dogmatic imprint on how we are taught to perceive and judge sex and intimacy. Ever thought that sex could be a spiritual practice, opening the doors to the present moment and leading to the higher levels of consciousness? Lie down, relax, and enjoy!
  • [NOTE: It is vital to distinguish what various religions, schools, and traditions regard as "awakening." In Buddhism, awakening refers to bodhi or enlightenment, which is spoken of as occurring in four main stages. (More are discussed in The Path of Freedom). In the final stage of full enlightenment, the fully awakened arhat no longer engages in sex as that would entail lust -- and all greed (lust), hatred (aversion, fear), and delusion (wrong view) have been overcome. There is great danger in sensuality, in mindless attachment to this ancient habit that spurs beings to action for countless lives. Once one has come to peace by awakening to the Truth -- to seeing all things as impersonal, incapable of fulfilling, and impermanent. No thing is worth clinging to, least of all the common practice of sex and indulging sense desires. This does not mean that ordinary beings pursuing their lives should abandon sex or the senses. It does mean that a monastic or accomplished person (arhat) has gone beyond. Controversially, Arhat Daniel Ingram says the Theravada tradition is wrong, that it is possible to be married and have relations just like an unawakened person does. It should be noted, there is no reason why noble ones in the first three stages would be unable to practice sense or the pursuit of sense desire when not actively practicing the setting up of mindfulness, the purifying absorptions, and insight practices. Even the first absorption is so pleasurable and has nothing to do with sensuality that one temporarily overcomes craving for the base or denser practice of sex. But when that fades, sexual desire and other sensual desires often return, sometimes with a vengeance. In Hinduism and related modern schools of thought (possibly including Eckhart Tolle's views), "oneness," advaita, or non-duality are held up as the pinnacle of "awakening" when, in fact, they have little if anything to do with awakening (bodhi) as the historical Buddha taught. Mahayana Buddhism, like Hinduism, may make much of it, but where is it in the texts? Catholic sainthood, holiness in Islam and other Abrahamic faiths also have their definitions of spiritual illumination, self-realization, or self-actualization may also have notions completely unrelated to what the historical Buddha taught.]
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