Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Shannen Doherty a Buddhist nun? (video)

Kelly Ani, Ananda, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Kay D. Rhodes (The Hollywood Gossip)
Former AGT contestant Nightbirde, 30, keeps up spirits in Stage 4 cancer play | SurvivorNet
Venerable Shannen would be a lovely name for someone in saffron robes (Instagram)

I feel so much better and happier
Has the "Beverly Hills, 90210" star become a bikshhuni, a Buddhist nun? We wish. She would look great in robes. Instead, she's doing it the hard way -- deadly chemotherapy to treat aggressive breast cancer. No one dies of cancer; it's the cancer "treatments" that kill them. There are ways to eat better, feel better, detox, and clear the harmful energies. One would think that Hollywood royalty, being multi-millionaires, would know that before paying doctors to kill them in public under the guise of curing them. Allopathic doctors have no "cures," only pricey "treatments." We have to do better because in the future, most of us will develop the dreaded c-word.

What would "renunciation" take?
Wiki entry edited by Wisdom Quarterly
What if all diagnoses came with a script to meditate in an abbey? (Kim Wertheimer)
Let's not wait until things fall apart (Pema Chodron)
Nekkhamma (Sanskrit naiṣkramya, नैष्काम्य) is a Pali Buddhist term translated as "renunciation."

It really means "the pleasure of letting go" (nonclinging). It conveys more specifically "giving up the worldly and leading a supreme life" or "freedom from lust, craving, and [selfish] desires" [1].

In Buddhism's Ennobling Eightfold Path (where ennobling or Aryan-ing means "enlightening," letting go is the first practice associated with "right intention."

In the Theravada Buddhist list of the Ten Perfections, it is the third "perfection." It involves non-attachment (letting go, surrendering, not holding on, giving up, non-stuckness, detaching not with cold indifference but in recognition that we are clinging to all the things that bring about disappointment and pain rather than pursuing what leads to good and happiness, namely, nongreed, nonhatred, and nondelusion).

It is more internal than external. Anyone with nothing is not free if still clinging to all manner of craving. But the richest person surrounded by luxury, not stuck to it, is truly free. How do we get unstuck? More

Shannen Doherty on horrors of chemo
Kay D. Rhodes, The Hollywood Gossip, Oct. 8, 2021 edited by Wisdom Quarterly
I can relate. They so mean to you on da show!
Shannen Doherty is facing the biggest challenge of her life. The former Beverly Hills, 90210 star was diagnosed with breast cancer...and has been keeping fans apprised of her progress.

Sadly, it isn’t going very well. [Those deadly embalming fluids and toxic chemicals they're injecting her with are causing her beautiful hair to fall out, her skin to sag, and other "aging" effects which are really aggregated toxic effects building up. The body does what it can to resist the onslaught of the toxins.]

...For example, Doherty shared the tragic news that the cancer has spread. Now, in an Instagram post written [recently], Doherty has gone into detail about the horrors of undergoing chemotherapy.

It’s unfortunately a feeling and an experience to which millions can relate. “Each person’s cancer journey is different. For me, chemo has been terrible and believe me, we have tried almost everything,” the 45-year old [who is now 51] wrote alongside a photo of herself in bed alongside her beloved dog Bowie.

Bowie's good karma to help companion heal.
She added: “So days like this have become a bit of the norm. I’m learning that it’s OK to fall into bed and give in to the exhaustion or nausea or aches.”

Thank goodness she has a four-legged friend she can lean on at least. After thanking her 422,000 followers for their ongoing support throughout this health battle, Doherty gave a mention to her precious pooch for remaining by her side as she battles to beat this illness. More


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