Saturday, September 24, 2022

Tash Rabat Temple, Kyrgyzstan (video)

Central-Asia.Guide; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
This Vajrayana Buddhist statue of Maitreya Buddha may have been the sort used at Tash Rabat
This is what the compound looks like, a Monks of the Mines (NatGeo) walled stupa vihara.
Tash Rabat is a Buddhsit caravanserai determined to be of Buddhist (not Nestorian) origin.

This is the interior of the stupa or burial mound reliquary, hollowed out for use as a temple.
Buddhism left stupas all over Asia, a long tradition coming down from Ukraine/North Asia that the Buddha (or past buddhas) continued and brought down to the Middle Country (Majjhimadesa), which seems to have been Central Asia, and into India, including his birthplace of Gandhara/Afghanistan.

Stupa at Bimaran, where reliquary was excavated. Drawing by Charles Masson (Wiki)

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