Thursday, September 22, 2022

Veggie Burger: made better at home (recipe)

Minimalist Baker Recipes; Imogen, Ananda (DBM), Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly Test Kitchen

Add mushrooms and hempseeds.
Now that Doug the Cannibal, former COO for Beyond Meat Corporation, has taken to biting off noses like Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs, we may have to start cutting back on Beyond Burgers.

But we're still vegans who love savory flavors and healthy ingredients. Which brings up the question, Why in the world do faux burgers contain canola (rapeseed) oil of all ingredients? That's one of the worst ingredients in the world! There are fats that heal and fats that kill. Canola, like most plasticized and utterly dead filtered-oils, is a killer. We can do much better than that in our test kitchen. (A: They use it because it's cheap).

Veg burgers on gluten-free buns
Every now and again lovely readers send The Minimalist Baker emails with recipe requests. One such request came recently from a mother hoping to recreate the veggie beet burger a local restaurant serves, which her daughter just happens to love.

All other searches for “beet black bean burger” left her underwhelmed for flavor and overwhelmed at the extensive ingredient lists and time commitments. It's the Minimalist Baker to the rescue!

The following recipe is easy to master, nutritious, flavorful and, most importantly, it's simple. There are just 10 ingredients and roughly 1 hour prep time (or less depending on cooking method). Plus, it’s loaded with nutrient-rich foods like raw walnuts, black beans, quinoa, and raw beets.  More

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