Sunday, September 25, 2022

Will Russia lose [US proxy] war to Ukraine?

Piers Morgan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Sky News; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Naïve" to think Russia will lose [US proxy] war to Ukraine, says Dr. Jordan Peterson
(Sky News Australia) Sept. 22, 2022. Notions that the Russians are going to lose any war in Ukraine are “naïve,” says professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. It's naive to think so, he tells Piers Morgan, “or [to think] that we’re going to win,” he adds. “I don’t understand that. What do you mean we’re going to win? What are we going to win here exactly? Dr. Peterson says even if President Vladimir Putin allowed Russia to retreat from Ukraine, the invaded country would be left in “smoking ruins.”

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