Sunday, September 18, 2022

Zen Roshi Joan Halifax at Google (video)

Talks at Google, March 27, 2019; Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Compassion deficit: So many worries about what might be that isn't (Angel City Zen Center)

Standing at The Edge | Joan Halifax

Standing... (Joan Halifax, Rebecca Solnit)
The book weaves together scientific research and her own powerful personal experiences as a social activist and humanitarian in prison in New Mexico and high in the Himalayas to show how we can transform our biggest challenges with compassion and wisdom. Halifax’s teachings benefit Google as it takes on big challenges that respect the opportunities before us. Her talk demonstrates how to do this while still maintaining respect for each other through compassion.
ABOUT: Joan Halifax is an American Zen Buddhist teacher, anthropologist, ecologist, civil rights activist, hospice caregiver, and the author of several books on Buddhism and spirituality. She received her doctoral degree in medical anthropology and received a National Science Foundation Fellowship in visual anthropology, was an Honorary Research Fellow in Medical Ethnobotany at Harvard University, and was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress. She is a thought leader with respect to well-being and compassion. She is a highly sought-after speaker widely known and respected in many communities. More info:

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