Sunday, October 30, 2022

A very Jewish Halloween: Seinfeld (stand up)

Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld; Family Guy; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
American Halloween is now a sexy holiday for adults, but kids still love sugary dopamine hits.

Shorten your life. Add sugar to die sooner.
Our house isn't very religious. It's more secular and spiritual. Do whatever for spirituality because culture has already taken care of the rest. That's how it is in the Valley.

Jerry Seinfeld had to understand that as he made his show about New York life down the way in Studio City, California, on a soundstage where he took up two spaces for his fancy car.

With friends from UCLA, we went to see a taping. What a dud to be sweetened in post-production with our muted laughs turned up to 11 and our silences cut out of the show altogether. I wasn't a fan of the show then. It only became funny later, and now it's very funny for the way it pokes fun at all our foibles and daily nothingness:

  • Other than the pilot, the Seinfeld series was filmed at CBS Studio Center, in Studio City, Los Angeles, California. The first three seasons were filmed on Soundstage 19; it then moved to the larger Stage 9 for the remainder of its production.
Develop diseases of all kinds with sugar candy.
It's hard to imagine Seinfeld doing good stand up. He seems to have been a sounding wall for that Curb Your Enthusiasm guy (Larry David) to bounce ideas off of. But he knows his Halloween. It's candy for everyone, as trick or treaters trickle in all evening.

Kramer moves to Los Angeles to do Hollywood

He made a comedy album version and juiced it up with a laugh track?

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