Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fall Harvest: Acorns, Wild Foods, 10/30 (video)

Robert R., Chris Nyerges (School of Self-Reliance); Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Guide to Wild Foods & Plants
Enjoy a wild, edible plants outing to learn to forage, process, and eat wild foods of the fall season in Los Angeles (Native Tongva/Kizh Land).

This outing's main focus is the processing of acorns, the staple of this area for millennia, cooking acorn meal to make acorn cakes and mush with local elderberry jam.

Stir-fried cactus and rose hip tea, locally harvested pine nuts, chia seeds, and other edibles will also be present, and perhaps stinging nettle greens soup (no stingers) and other available wild foods of the season.

The fire to cook this meal will be made without matches (and perhaps, time permitting, all can try their skill at hand and bow drill). Be prepared to do some work to make this meal happen.

We will be rewarded with a wonderful wild food meal as well as experience the opportunity to reconnect to the old ways.

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