Monday, October 3, 2022

Dolores Cannon: The History of Earth (ETs)

Alien Chronicles (S1, E2) Aliens and UFOs
You expect me to buy this hogwash from an adult?
(Janson Media) May 17, 2022. Primarily known as a past life regression therapist, Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an alien and UFO investigator, citing compelling cases of alien abductions and communications with extraterrestrials. Missing time, the seeding of Earth with DNA, the ET cover-up, crashed UFO cases, what the "Greys" truly are, and humankind's future on the New Earth are but a few provocative topics Cannon discusses.

From the dawn of humankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone. We never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the alien presence on Earth and what it may mean for humankind.

They take my family line going back generations
ALIEN CHRONICLES: Dolores Cannon on past-life regressions, exploring the unusual, regressive hypnotherapy, becoming a UFO investigator, hypnotherapy on alien abductees, information downloaded into the subconscious mind, the seeding of planet earth, creating life on earth in the beginning, how ETs aid human evolution, the accidental introduction of diseases, direct contact with ETs, the ET assessment of human activities, the ET cover up, crashed UFOs at Roswell and elsewhere, what the Greys are, the alien abduction process, marks on the bodies of alien abductees, animal mutilations, the ET message for humanity, the human journey.

#TV #Aliens #UFOs #FullEpisode

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