Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Scientists find ‘indestructible plant’ in desert

The Weather Channel, Nov. 1, 2022; Kelly Ani, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Namib Desert has remarkable landscapes such as this National Park (Naukluft)

Deserts are as harsh as the deep oceans.
The Welwitschia plant, which grows in the Namib Desert in southern Africa, can live for thousands of years. Its name in the Afrikaans language, tweeblaarkanniedood, means “two leaves that cannot die.” Scientists are studying its DNA in the hopes of exploiting it to make crops more robust and hardy for capitalist endeavors in monocropping and other ventures that benefit Big Agra. Plants are the only things that live forever. There are apparently cold water crabs that keep growing and living on for centuries, The tweeblaarkanniedood also never stops growing. One might think it would one day take over the desert and put an end to desertification, but it's the very desert with its harsh conditions that created the plant. VIDEO

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