Sunday, October 16, 2022

Marketplace and Village Festival (10/16)

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly; Onochie, Rhythms of the Village; Oh Happy Days!; Wisdom Quarterly

UPDATEIt was a massive success despite the clouds overhead, which cozy up to the foothills and usually get squeezed like sponges overhead. The stage is full of Afro-rhythms and the crowd is dense. There were probably too many vendors and too much to choose from -- foods of all kinds, baked goods, crafts, jewelry, healings. It happens again in the spring. For once the gloomy weather did not keep Angelenos away.

LOS ANGELES - There's a place in the Foothills no one believes in. Daily people walk in -- enter a time warp where the 1960s are alive and well -- and say, "How long have you been open? I've lived in the area for years and never knew you were here."

We're grateful for this place, Man.
The proprietor, Doc John Hopkins takes it in stride: "Groovy, Man, you finally made it!" He's busy behind the counter serving up the day's homemade items -- hot entrees, a filling soup, sandwiches, a whole grocery store of things, cold drinks, herbs, bulk staples, and other odds and ends: Kombucha, CBD, candy, chips...

Village Market & Festival, Sunday, Oct. 16th
We have fashions that make a pro-African statement

Aztec gods like Los Angeles multiculturalism
Rhythms of the Village is an Afrocentric shop (of "authentic creative African inspired art") next door. The pot shop between them got raided twice recently and shut down, and Pizza Joe's tanked, but there's still an antique shop, all squeezed between a Post Office and Corporate Burger in a Box, across from the new Grocery Outlet and Aldi's high up on Lake Avenue in Altadena.

Get on the party bus to Zorthian Commune
On Sunday between noon and 7:00 pm the back lot will fill with music, dance, food, handcrafted goods, and more for its biannual festival. It'll be a an art festival and marketplace of vendors, workshops, multicultural foods, games, and family fun. It's good vibes in the village with a wide range of rhythms and talents, storytelling, African dance, Folklorico, Danza Azteca (Aztec Dance), and more!

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