Saturday, October 29, 2022

William 'Capt. Kirk' Shatner: Weird or What?

Do we share parallel universes? | Weird or What? | ft. William Shatner
(Documentary Central) Weird or What examines the possibility of parallel worlds. First, it talks to a woman who claims to have encountered shadow people and considers whether such beings come from another dimension or are really just illusions in our minds. It then looks at teleportation and talks to a man (attorney, chrononaut, future president, and teleporter Andrew D. Basiago, from time traveling Project Pegasus), who claims to have traveled from New Jersey to New Mexico in the blink of an eye. Hypnotherapist Bruce Goldberg gives his analysis. Finally, it looks at the theory that ancient archeological crystal skulls found in Mexico are doorways to other worlds.

👉 Subscribe to Documentaries. This documentary is under non-exclusive license from Cineflix Rights. All rights reserved. #ParallelWorlds #WeirdOrWhat #WilliamShatner

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