Sunday, November 13, 2022

ET/UFO: The Peoples' Disclosure Movement

Ananda (Disclosure Project Meetup), Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Welcome to ET Let's Talk, The People's Disclosure Movement: Join us and make extraterrestrial (ET) contact! This site will teach you how. Sign up. It's FREE:
Weekend Host Richard Syrett interviews ET experiencer Kosta Makreas (Peoples' Disclosure Movement), who believes we are living in a unique, challenging, and wonderful time in history as we transition to a new mode of enlightened and spiritual living. Planetary peace will reign between humanity and all life forms on and off Earth.

He joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss his personal contact with space aliens experience, which prompted him to create a community of over one million individuals all over the world. They come together as the "People’s Disclosure Movement."

Preston Dennent joins Syrett in the second segment latest release in his Amazon UFO bestselling series, "Not from Here." He uncovers little-known and unusual aspects of the UFO phenomenon. He shares cases of UFO car lifts, craft hovering over airports, and how certain specific areas of our planet are known as "UFO attractors." ET Contact/Unusual UFO Cases | Coast to Coast

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