Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Minerals are missing from soil and food

The mighty Himalayas are riddled with Buddhist monasteries, monuments, and statues.

Shilajeet good, weakness bad. Eat rock (mineral).
Is author Dr. Steven Gundry, MD, a fraud and a quack now -- eager for a great gimmick as a money grab -- or is he a sincere vegetarian researcher who changes his mind as he goes along? It used to be "Avoid all plant lectins" then it was "Eat anything you want, just add my special secret ingredient olive oil" [which only grows in quantity in Morocco on a farm I made a personal deal with]. Now he's echoing the message of Dr. Joel Wallach (criticalhealthnews.com) in rediscovering that our "soil is depleted" and can't provide intensively farmed fruits and vegetables with the nutrient levels they once had.

Dr. Gundry MD ®
So we have to get it from supplements, but supplements won't be digest without these critical trace minerals needed for health. They are found in organic fulvic acid (Sanskrit Shilajit, English "Destroyer of Weakness" or Asphalt or Mineral Pitch, Russian Mumiyo, German Mumie), which comes most famously from the Himalayas. But Dr. Gundry claims to have found a richer vein of these minerals here in the United States. He won't say where [to keep his investment secret] but does claim it's in the lower 48 somewhere in the south of the country. It sounds like he found Dr. Wallach's mountain of prehistoric minerals, which are sold in Youngevity products. It seems Dr. Gundry is getting more extreme (ex-[main]stream), but he's absolutely correct that we need 90 minerals and vitamins that just are not in the soil anymore. We need to supplement them into our diets for maximum health.
It might be better to go to the tallest mountain in the world, K2, in the Karakoram range

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