Sunday, November 27, 2022

Tantric Dating Workshop (12/3)

Meditator with tantrika
This workshop, promoted on multiple venues, attracts 10-20 participants each time. Baffled by the dating process? This workshop explores a new mindset called "Tantric Dating," which brings love and awareness to the dating process.

When people hear the word tantra, they usually associate it with sex. Tantra includes sex but is really an ancient philosophy teaching that all is divine.

Through learning to live in the divine present moment and meet others from this place, magic is possible in a way the conventional dating world could never imagine or predict. Subjects covered include:
  • Why am I not finding love?
  • How can I date with love and awareness?
  • How can we experience dating without the rigid rules, rituals, and rigidity so we can find our perfect love?
Catherine Auman LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) is a spiritual psychotherapist and the director of the Transpersonal Center in Los Angeles. She has advanced training in traditional psychology as well as the wisdom traditions. She lived for a year at the Osho ashram in India, a full-time immersion in tantra and meditation. She has studied tantra, love, sex, intimacy, and seduction with numerous teachers. Online at

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