Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Buddha on SNL (comedy)

Rahula's true inheritance was the Dharma.
Once the Buddha had to deal with his mischievous son, Venerable Rahula, a young monastic, who was given to telling jokes and jesting. The Buddha admonished him and advised him not to counterfeit the truth even for the sake of humor. It would be for his good for a long time if he abstained from lying even in jest, even sarcastically, even facetiously. Some take it as a monastic rule set down, to avoid lying even in telling a joke, a fiction. So might the SNL players be in some karmic hot water for not only counterfeiting the truth but for doing so about a buddha, the best of blameless beings? We don't know. It would be good to read The Buddha's Words on Karma: Four Discourses of the Buddha from the Middle Length Discourses (

SNL must have SEX on the brain or at least the actor who plays Poseidon

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